Meditation Goes On The Road
Truck driving is a stressful job. Long hours, crazy schedules, traffic delays, changes in delivery times, alternate routes, all add up to a lot of stress. Since stress can affect a driver mentally and physically, it is important to avoid and curtail stress as much as possible.
Meditation can be one way to relieve stress easily and quickly. The idea of meditation is gaining such great acceptance in the trucking industry that trucking companies are hiring consultations to train truckers on how to meditate and the benefits of meditation. (It is said that just spending 15 minutes a day in meditation can produce a sense of clarity and focus.)
There are several types of meditation activities; however, the most popular one is called “Mindful Meditation”. During this meditation, your mind does not focus on anything in particular, but rather you allow your mind to wander from one thought to the next. You may think about your dog, the rate of your breathing, the sound of the rain, or any number of things. The key is to develop skills in noticing inner and outer experiences.
The important factor about meditation is setting aside the time to do it. Set a time aside to meditate, either the night before going on the road or perhaps the morning before. Lunch time at a rest area could also be a time to meditate. Whichever time you choose, your physical and mental being will thank you for it!